いつもの「自己流」ではなく、プロの料理テクニックを学ぶ! 家庭やレストラン関連業で本格的に調理をするための、自分自身のスタイルを見出す!



私たちの料理コースは実践的で、学生はレストランで働くため、または自宅で完璧に調理するためのプロの料理技術を学ぶことができます。 学校や家庭で実践的な料理を繰り返すことで学びます。 ボローニャ・クチーナ・カルチュラ・イタリアーナ学校では、真のシェフが使用する適切な技術を学び、自宅で友人のために料理したり、レストランで働いたりするための料理能力を高めます。


このコースは実技中心で 楽しみながら調理テクニックを学ぶ料理愛好家向けのコースです。「料理愛好家向け会食コース」は、レシピ(調理テクニックのみならず)を中心に、趣味としてまたは皆一緒に和気あいあいと食事を楽しむために調理します。昼食や夕食、そしてそれらを作ることに興味のある友だちグループ、職場の同僚グループ、または個人の方を対象としています。

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  • 1 レッスン € 68 (10-15 人)
  • 1 レッスン € 98 (6-9 人)
  • 1 レッスン € 128 (3-6 人)
  • 1 レッスン € 175 (2 人)
  • 1 レッスン € 235 ( 1 人)

2月 - 5月 2025


lesson at Bologna Cucina cultura Italiana in a amateur cooking course





Nota maxima! O professor Davide foi super paciente e claro nas explicações. A comida estava maravilhosa e tivemos uma verdadeira experiência prática da gastronomia italiana. Super recomendo!
A brilliant evening! Davide is skilled, patient and perfectly balanced our need to watch as well as be hands on at good pace. Delicious!
Response from the owner: Cara Jo, grazie mille!
Sehr schöner Abend mit tollem Essen - unter sehr netter und professioneller Anleitung fertigten wir ein vegetarisches 3-Gang Menü mit leckeren intalienischen Speisen - von gefüllten Raviolo bis hin zu einem Pfirsisch-Mandelkuchen.
Response from the owner: Grazie mille!
Leuke lokale kookschool, fijne docent en kleinschalig. Heerlijke traditionele Bolognese gerechten leren koken.
Response from the owner: Grazie mille!
I have attended two cooking classes this July and one cooking class in October. And each time it was a great experience. The cooking instructor is very relaxed and finds something for everyone to do. The recipes are not too difficult and it always tastes great. And it's fun to cook in a group and then eat together. I highly recommend a cooking class here!
Sehr schöne kleine Kochschule. Super gemütlich. Man fühlt sich dort direkt wohl. Wir hatten einen super Kochlehrer. Alles authentisch auf italienisch. Mega gut!
Manuel was a very good teacher. We learned a lot of techniques on how to make authentic ragu, tagliatelle, tortellini and torteloni. What we made and cooked was absolutely delicious. Highly recommended!
My husband and I just finished a cooking class with Manuel and it is one of the best things we have ever done here in Italy. Manuel is not only a fantastic teacher, but a wonderful man. We learned so much from him about cooking, but also the Italian culture. He is fantastic!We made pasta (yes, homemade!) with bolognese sauce, tortellini in broth and raviolis in a gorgeous butter sage sauce. And yes, it was all made from scratch. The meal was absolutely delicious. We couldn’t believe we made it ourselves- with Manuel’s kindness and help.Afterwards, we sat around and ate all our creations with a lovely bottle of wine.Manuel, thank you for giving us an experience we will never forget.



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